March Workshops


Yes…. 2019 is up and running! We’ve enjoyed some outdoor yoga sessions with the sound of cicadas in the background and the experience of working our poses to adapt to the terrain. Discovering some pretty cool options :).  Somewhat cooler already so we are back in the studio.

We have also completed our first Creative Journaling Workshop. New days are following: ones to get you started and others packed with ideas and techniques to make your pages pop! If you are keen – let me know – it all helps with the planning. The first Bead, Macrame, Knot Workshop is happening this Sunday 10 March.

There are two more workshops up on the Events page too…

Meditation Session


Sunday 31 March

2.00 – 4.00pm

Cost: $45

Join me for in our first Meditation Sunday for the year. Working with crystals, cards, essential oils, mudra and mantra we will explore the Little Medicine Wheel Spread and discover what the messages from our body, intuition, emotions and spirit are to guide us forward into 2019.  Enjoy a guided Yoga Nidra/Deep Relaxation Meditation at the end.

Bring a journal to take notes and any favourite crystals you would like to place within your grid, or on your mat. In these sessions you will learn techniques to apply in your own sacred space. Love them x

Numbers are limited to 8 participants – please book your space early: or Ph: 021 379 286

Lenormand Oracle Workshop


Sunday 7 April

10.00 – 4.00pm

Cost: $60

If you a new to reading oracle cards, or find tarot too overwhelming then Lenormand is a great place to start. For Tarot Readers they provide very direct insight and there is a lovely fluid way to read the cards which you can apply to the tarot as well.

The 36 cards in a Lenormand deck are traditionally small and so easy to shuffle and travel with. There are some beautiful decks available online – it is worth checking out Etsy and The Book Depository as you will need to bring your own deck with you. For those that attended our first Lenormand day this will be a good refresher day for you.

Please book your space – numbers are limited and bring a journal and pen for notes plus a plate for a shared lunch on the day. Email: Ph: 021 379 286

Some of my personal Lenormand Decks to inspire your search:

Middia Lenormand (left) Anna.K Lenormand (top right) 1889 Lenormand (bottom right)

Alones’ Vision Lenormand (left) Gilded Reverie Lenormand (middle) Chakra Lenormand (right)

Oms n Light
